Replica Colt Navy by Kolser

Replica Colt Navy by Kolser

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Many were eagerly awaiting Kolser's latest update. The best existing Colt Navy Replica is now available. After two years of development, the Kolser team is proud of the achieved quality and is confident that fans of the Old West, collectors, and firearm enthusiasts will appreciate this unparalleled Navy replica in the market.

In this post, we want to detail the features that make the Kolser replica unique and special:

  • Made of Zamak metal with wooden grips, it comes in different metal finishes that combine black, brass, and aged gray. These finishes give it a sophisticated look without compromising the realism of the replica.
  • • Well-executed functional mechanism with four positions:

  1. Resting position aligning the hammer with the cylinder notches. This allowed carrying the loaded weapon on the belt without the risk of accidental discharge.
  2. Loading position where the cylinder rotates and the hammer and trigger are locked.
  3. Ready-to-fire position with the cylinder and trigger locked.
  4. Firing position.

  • • It has the same dimensions of the .36 caliber Colt Navy manufactured in 1851, with an adapted cylinder for percussion caps. Together with the weight of the replica, they create a realistic shooting experience.

In addition to the classic 1851 Colt Navy model, Kolser offers a variation with a cylindrical barrel known as the Confederate, introduced in 1862..

With all these qualities, we are confident that Kolser's Colt Navy Replica will be a success and become an essential collector's item for the Old West enthusiasts worldwide.
ATENCIÓN: Las réplicas de KOLSER no son aptas para munición real.  La mayoría están adaptadas para fulminantes

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